In John chapter 14, Jesus prepared His followers for His departure from earth by encouraging them of His return. He assured them, and us as well, that He was leaving for a time to prepare a place for His people, only to return and receive them to Himself that they might be with Him forever. In God’s plan to redeem the world, He has promised that in the future, when Jesus returns, He will remove sin and make all things new.
Read John 14:1-4.
Discuss: What is the hope of every believer in Jesus?
There are several differing views on how and when the end times will take place. We should strive to understand the things that are clear from scripture and live accordingly.
The Return of Jesus Christ
Jesus will return to the earth suddenly, visibly, and in person. (Acts 1:9-11)
We wait eagerly for Jesus to return (Titus 2:12-13, 1 Pet. 1:13)
We don’t know when Jesus will return (Matt. 24:44)
Read Luke 12:35-40.
Discuss: How does Jesus describe how we should anticipate His return?
When Jesus returns, there will be a final judgment of all people. Both believers and non-believers will be resurrected to stand before the throne of Jesus and give account of their lives for eternity. (John 5:28-30, Rev. 20:11-15)
Non-believers will be cast into eternal condemnation for the payment of sin, the Bible calls this Hell. (Matt. 25:41, Mark 9:42-48)
Believers will be judged for what they have done and given rewards based on their acts of service and faithfulness. (2 Cor. 5:10, Rev. 20:12)
The New Heavens and New Earth
After Jesus returns and there is a final judgement, He will restore all of creation. He will remake the heavens and the earth, and the redeemed with live with God forever.
Read Rev. 21:1-9.
Discuss: What are some descriptions of the new creation?
Personal Application
Based on the things that are clear about Jesus’ return and the end times, how should we live here and now?